
Maggie Winnett, President

45 Recommendations
About Me
Chicago Title Agency Chicago Title Agency Maricopa LPO

Our employees are our best asset. We are a Fortune 500 company that encourages autonomy and entrepreneurship. We empower our employees, invest in their success, encourage idea sharing, provide training and leadership opportunities. I started with our company in 1993 pulling plat maps and can attest to those opportunities. I take pride in growing for the future and feel fortunate to be a part of our outstanding team Our team success is born from a culture of building relationships and fueled by providing the highest level of professional client service.

Dawn Woods
Branch Manager
Angel Haas
Assistant Branch Manager | Senior Escrow Officer
Jill Bright
AVP/Sr. Sales Executive
Sheree Martinez
Escrow Officer
Cathie Gallagher
Escrow Officer
Tanya Robinson
Branch Manager/ AVP / Sr. Escrow Officer
Dana Crone Catt
Branch Manager
Cathy Moreno
Branch Manager
Stacy Heintz
Assistant Vice President/ Certified Escrow Officer
Brian Peitz
Vice President of Residential Sales & Marketing
Jeanne Murphy
Escrow Officer | Branch Manager
Anna Curran
AVP/Sr. Sales Executive
Tanya Daly
Branch Manager
Alissa Weber
Vice President | Escrow Operations Manager
Michelle Owens
Branch Manager
Shannon Cusimano
Escrow Officer
Diann McNelly
Senior Escrow Officer
Lindsey Sanchez
Director of Marketing and Digital Strategy
Linda McSweeney
Business Development Manager
Marc Cousins
Escrow Officer
Stephanie Fife
Senior Commercial Sales Executive
Sadie Risley
Business Development Manager
Vanessa Thomas
Business Development Manager
Christine Campos Marsiglia
AVP/Business Development Manager
Norma De Anda
Branch Manager, Escrow Officer
Julie Larraza
Business Development Manager
Shannon Petra
Branch Manager, Escrow Officer
Vanessa Krystek
Business Development Manager
Deidre Krystek
Business Development Manager
Eric R. Wolfe
Assistant Vice President
Vice President, Commercial Sales Manager Nov 6, 2023
Maggie joined us in Phoenix in March, 2022 and immediately brought her energy, enthusiasm, and endless positivity to our team. I have already learned so much about how to be a better leader, and overall a genuinely happier person, both personally and professionally. She leads by example and "walks the walk" every day. From thoughtful weekly messages to individual touches, she is always thinking about what she can do to better her team and lift those around her. She genuinely cares and it shows in everything she does. She is a great listener, and is clear and straightforward in her approach to solutions. She is a teacher who is always learning and improving herself, and encouraging others to be the best they can be for themselves and their families. It is a pleasure working with her, and is someone I want to fight for, because she is always fighting for me.
AVP/Branch Manager Oct 3, 2023
The first thing that pops into my head is that Maggie is a ball of energy wrapped in positivity! Her words always come from a positive and kind place. Maggie is supportive to all that she comes across and takes the time to check in and listen to all her employees no matter how busy she is. She is transparent, honest and wants to see us all succeed. She is empowering and truly leads by example. We are very fortunate to have her leadership in our division.
Vice President / Branch Manager Sep 18, 2023
I have had the honor and privilege of working with Maggie for a few years now. She is a wonderful leader and a great human being. She has a very easy, approachable style and she genuinely cares for all of your employees. She communicates well and supports her people to the nth degree.
VP of sales and marketing Sep 15, 2023
The Mag came into my life about a year and a half ago and at a first assessment she was a ball of energy and smiles. I have come to know her as someone who locks into the details and wants to make sure everything and everyone is happy. She loves to analyze things and think through decisions and is a true company person. Everything she does is based off of what is best for her operation and that takes hard work and dedication. She is also a teacher at heart and loves to challenge her people.
Branch Manager Sep 14, 2023
Where do I start! Maggie is pretty amazing! She is very supportive of EVERYONE in our Chicago Title Family, she is super positive and is always growing. She is an EXCELLENT boss!!! She has a great sense of humor and she dances like nobody's watching. Maggie lives life to the the fullest and I admire that about her. I believe that is why she is so amazing!
Branch Manager Sep 14, 2023
Since Maggie has come on board to our Operations she has been amazing. She checks in on us who are in the thick of everyday escrow this has been a true breath of fresh air. She always lets us know what is going on which is always helpful.
If there is an issue you can always reach her via phone or email and truly cares about our Staff. I am very happy that she is here at Chicago Title Agency!
Sales Executive Mar 21, 2022
From the beginning of when I first met Maggie. She has always shown up with a smile, and ready to give of her time and energy to invest into people. Maggie has an amazing sense of how to analyze things with the big picture in mind. I cannot describe enough the grace, and wisdom she possesses. What an amazing person to work with, and as she taught me from day one. Always keep thinking like a rookie.
Commercial Escrow Officer Mar 14, 2022
Finding the words to describe how incredible Maggie is, is pretty difficult. She's one of the main reasons why I came to work at Chicago Title. The motivation and support she provides us is unmatchable. Her time to shine...during her Thankful Thursday emails. Its where she reminded us all that she was also just a human, trying to get through the curveballs that life throws. Her realism was always countered with humor and optimism to remind us that even when we fall down, there's always a reason to pick ourselves back up and that we are truly capable of anything we set our minds to and want to achieve. Anyone that has Maggie in their lane, during their career is a very lucky person.
Residential Escrow Manager Jul 29, 2021
I feel very lucky to be on a team with Maggie! She is an enthusiastic, inspirational and engaged leader. Its obvious how much she cares for her employees and she makes the effort to get to know them individually. She is quick to offer support and encouragement. I value that she invests in her team and encourages growth from within and goal achievement. She embraces learning by supporting additional training and our fabulous coaching program. Everyone knows that Maggie has an open door policy and that their voice will be heard. Simply put - she works hard for us AND she is a lot of fun to be around!
VP/Sr. Commercial Escrow Officer Jul 24, 2021
Maggie Metcalf is an AMAZING individual, in every sense of the word.

She takes everything she does to a new level, then opens her circle of trust and politely invites you to join her.

This woman is so multi-dimensional she is hard to describe.......however, a few things that come to mind include always expressing an upbeat attitude, spins everything with a positive slant, has a great sense of humor, is fun to be around, quick witted, a wonderful sounding board, HIGH ENERGY, super smart, sympathetic, empathetic, hard-working, and strong in both body & spirit.

She looks at everything and everyone through a positive lens, and has a unique ability to motivate and inspire those around her.

Thus, if you are lucky enough to have an opportunity whereby Maggie will cross your path and touch your world, take that as a special gift from above, count your blessings, (especially in this day and age), and run with it!

AVP - Sales Manager Sep 4, 2018
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others, and I believe that Maggie is someone who truly measures her success by her ability to help others to grow and improve. She has a unique ability to lead a team not only by influence and example, but also by the way she encourages us to have faith, confidence and belief in ourselves. She has gained trust from her team by offering solutions when needed, and also by teaching and empowering her team to look within ourselves and realize that we are capable of finding and owning the solutions for our business.

Growing her career from an entry level position, to now working as President, the story of Maggie’s successful career is truly a testament that “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” She is never one to hold back when an opportunity is presented to her, no matter how challenging. I have learned from her to always say YES when an opportunity is presented and the path will be opened. Maggie always operates with the highest level of integrity. She is a very effective communicator and is diligent and purposeful in the way she runs our organization. Not only is Maggie fabulous at her job - she is also super fun to be around, has a quick wit, a growth mindset as well as an extremely positive and optimistic attitude! I am very grateful for the influence Maggie has had on my life, both personally and professionally!
Sr. Escrow Officer Aug 14, 2018
Maggie, what is there not to love about Maggie! I went thru a very tough year medically and had to have 2 major surgeries and was off work for a total of 7 weeks after just moving back from Maui and I had only been back for 8 months. Maggie stood behind me all the way not just with work and holding my position but with true love, compassion, thoughtfulness and support personally. She actually came to my house to visit me after the first surgery and that meant that world to me, that she would take time out of her busy day to come see me and sit with me just to make sure I was alright. That is a boss that I want in my corner!

Work wise, Maggie is firm but fair and has nothing but the best intentions for her employees and the company. She is thoughtful in so many ways and cares deeply about each of us.

Thank you Maggie for being the amazing woman and leader that you are!!!!!!

Escrow Operations Manager Aug 14, 2018
I have had the pleasure of working with Maggie for almost a year and a half. Maggie is truly an amazing leader and empowers her management team on a daily basis. She is a true believer of investing in the personal and professional growth of our entire operation. Her energy and smile are infectious! I cannot imagine working anywhere else!
Escrow Officer Jul 12, 2018
Maggie is one of the most motivated, encouraging, positive Big Bosses I have ever worked for! She lights up a room when she enters bringing her positive vibe and genuine care for her employees with her. I feel very lucky to work under a team of strong, sharp, professional women, leading us to success here at Chicago Title!
Operations Assistant Jun 28, 2017
Maggie is one of the most encouraging and empowering individuals I have met. Her passion for helping people grow and accomplish their goals is apparent in the way she runs our organization on a daily basis. Maggie's breadth of knowledge, consistent positivity, and sense of humor are unparalleled. She makes it easy to want to come to work everyday!
NCS/NTS Business Development, AVP Jun 26, 2017
I met Maggie three years ago and I’ve had the privilege of working with her this year. She approaches people, opportunities, and challenges with great energy and enthusiasm. I appreciate her responsiveness, organization, and solution-oriented focus. Maggie has shown me that she cares very much about the success of our organization and works very hard to create opportunities for her employees to succeed and thrive.
Sales Executive Apr 28, 2017
Maggie is truly wonderful. It is amazing how available she makes herself to anyone in the Chicago Title Organization while at the same time, running the whole Chicago Title Operation. She makes every employee feel appreciated and is everyone's biggest fan. Our culture at Chicago Title is unparalleled and Maggie is the difference maker.
VP/Sales Manager Nov 18, 2016
Maggie is an inspirational leader who has a positive approach to life and work. She is a colleague who I can count on to collaborate with on growth initiatives, problem solving, and culture building. Maggie is a great asset to our company!
VP/Sales Manager Nov 18, 2016
Maggie is an inspirational leader who has a positive approach to life and work. She is a colleague who I can count on to collaborate with on growth initiatives, problem solving, and culture building. Maggie is a great asset to our company!
Escrow Assistant Aug 29, 2016
Maggie Metcalf defines what true leadership means. She is always encouraging her employees to do their best and to reach their goals and dreams. Whether she is telling you in person, over the phone, an email or a FB posting she is always encouraging us. Her warm smile and attitude are contagious, she genuinely cares for her employees and is here to support us whether it is work related or a personal situation. Her commitment to Chicago Title and her employees is something that is very fun and rewarding to be a part of.
Senior Commercial Sales Executive Aug 26, 2016
Maggie is awesome always cheering us on, supporting us in reaching our goals and makes herself available to meet with employees and clients. She takes time to get to know us as individuals and recognizes our achievements.

She and the other managers provide a very positive work environment.
Don't hesitate to come join our team!
Senior Commercial Sales Executive Aug 26, 2016
Maggie is awesome always cheering us on, supporting us in reaching our goals and makes herself available to meet with employees and clients. She takes time to get to know us as individuals and recognizes our achievements.

She and the other managers provide a very positive work environment.
Don't hesitate to come join our team!
Sales Executive, Chicago Title Jun 15, 2016
I am so fortunate to work on Maggie's team. Her positive and empowering energy trickles down to her wonderful management team, and to all of the colleagues of Chicago Title. Maggie has an open-door policy that is un-matched. I believe I can bring her any challenges or feedback, and that it will be welcomed and addressed immediately. She encourages us to succeed daily and I am so thankful for her mentorship!
Escrow Branch Manager, Lloyd Office May 13, 2016
Maggie Metcalf is an amazing leader for Chicago Title's Oregon operation! She brings endless energy and a positive attitude that is infectious to those that work with her and for her. As part of her management team I am fortunate to benefit from her years of experience and her in depth understanding of what it means to work for a Fortune 500 company.
Commercial Escrow Officer/LPO May 3, 2016
Maggie Metcalf is an amazing leader for us at Chicago Title. She has an open door policy and is here to help us grow both with the company and as an individual. I am impressed with how positive she is in this crazy industry we work in. I am thrilled to be a part of her group!