
Brad Fischer

60 Recommendations
About Me
Sales Executive Chicago Title Fresno & Madera

I have been involved in the Fresno and Clovis real estate industry since 1991. As a Sales Executive with Chicago Title, it is my priority to get to know my clients and the projects they are working on.

I have helped many of the Top Realtors increase their production through our various lead generation, products and services over the years and I promise to do my very best for you--the client.

As a former Realtor, I understand your concerns and appreciate a smooth escrow. My personal commitment is to assist you in your real estate business and help you achieve your goals.

Christy Kutka
Escrow Officer
Stephanie Dimick
Escrow Officer
Pam Sebastian
Escrow Officer
Jennifer Videgain
Escrow Officer
Cyd Muramoto
Senior Escrow Officer
Anna Gettman
Escrow Officer
Irene Lehman
Certified Senior Escrow Officer
Nancy Ochoa
Escrow Officer
Gerri Russell
Certified Senior Escrow Officer
Cindy Acevedo
Escrow Officer
Jennifer Shepherd
Sales Manager, Fresno
Linda Federico
Sales Executive
Vikki Shelton
Escrow Officer
Mark Barsotti
Area Manager
Robin Boshears
Escrow Manager
Nora Marroquin
Escrow Officer
Tiffany Balladares
Escrow Officer
Loveneet Bains
Escrow Officer
Dana Bustamante
Escrow Officer
Diane Urias
Escrow Officer
Delilah Mendoza
Sales Executive
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Sep 4, 2020
I have had the privilege to know Brad for over 20 years. His commitment to assuring his clients an incredible experience is commendable. He is proactive in his approach to meeting the needs of his constituents and more importantly a great friend, great husband, and great father !
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Sep 4, 2020
I have known Brad for the last 10 years since the beginning of my career as a Realtor. Brad is always willing to come into the office in order to help me further my career, and he would show me how to do that. In fact, he was the only title executive who would take the time to do that on a regular basis. If I need net sheets, help, advice, recommendations on real estate strategies, help with farm areas, whatever the need Brad is the person I call. He is personable, knowledgable, experienced, and very willing to help any of us at any time we need. I would highly recommend Brad Fischer as your title resource.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Sep 4, 2020
I have known Brad almost all of my 32 year real estate career. I worked with him in the business and watched him transition beautifully into the Title and escrow side. He is extremely market aware and with his vast experience is able to closely relate to the needs of the real estate professionals he works with. He is always attentive and is always offering different programs and tools to help me succeed and in turn enabling his company to multiply their business. It is my pleasure and duty to always suggest Brad and his great team for great service and performance.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Aug 31, 2020
Brad always is there with all of our needs from circle prospecting addresses or just general help with our Active Farm questions. He always returns our calls right away. He has been a great source of help with awesome customer service!
Thank you
Sherri and Jack DuBeau Realtors
Realty Concepts
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Aug 28, 2020
My experience with Brad has been very positive. He is friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable about the real estate market. He has been an invaluable resource to my sister and I as we start our careers in real estate.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Aug 27, 2020
Brad has been very helpful to me as I am a new Realtor. He goes up and beyond and is very knowledgeable!
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Aug 26, 2020
Brad has proven to be a great asset to my real estate business. He is always checking in, updating me on new, innovative ways to grow my business and is quick to respond with a call or email when I need his help. He makes me feel like my success is his success. His upbeat attitude, professionalism and dedication makes him a great representative of Chicago Title.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Aug 26, 2020
Brad is quick to respond to any request or question I have. He is a great resource for myself and business. He's professional and very knowledgeable. It's been a pleasure of working with him and his Team and the support they provide. I recommend Brad often to other colleagues.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Jun 29, 2018
Brad Fischer is a trusted advisor. He and the team continue to make themselves available to my clients and I. He responds timely to requests and always has professional guidance. He has become a trusted colleague and friend. Thanks for your ongoing support, Brad!
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Jun 28, 2018
I have known Brad for 30 years and what I appreciate most is his intuition!
He is high energy and highly motivated and willing to go the extra mile for success.
Brad is always keeping up to date with new apps and programs. He is a real asset to Chicago Title and i think they should increase his salary!
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Jun 27, 2018
Brad, exemplifies professionalism and takes the time to connect with his clients to find the best ways to suit their needs. He has a wealth knowledge and provides great resources and strategies for new agents.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Mar 30, 2018
Thank you for your time and support. The information provided has already proven useful. It's rare to find someone with your depth of experience willing to spend time to help a newer agent break into the industry.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Feb 28, 2018
Brad is one of a kind!!! He loves challenges and always finds a solution. He not only loves challenges he challenges you to be the best version of yourself. He likes to think outside the box. He is a caring and compassionate person. I have been blessed to know him for over ten years and I know I am a better person for it.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Feb 28, 2018
And then there's Brad! I am impressed with his drive, determination and tenaciousness. He is a very talented sales representative and always ready to help in any way he can!
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Feb 28, 2018
Brad is always willing to help with any customer or employee! He brings high energy and a positive attitude to our office.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Feb 13, 2018
Brad is a go getter! He is always willing to help find a solution to any problem and is willing to go the extra mile for his customers and co-workers.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Aug 9, 2017
Thank you so much for coming to my rescue today, I truly appreciate all the tips I got from both of you today. I did a quick glance at the list you sent me and I will start on them tomorrow morning when I get my coffee from Starbucks. I can not thank you enough for the extra push I got from you both today.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Aug 7, 2017
Brad is awesome and always ready to help at any time. He is extremely knowledgeable. Thanks. Brad, for all you do.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Aug 7, 2017
In the Real Estate we always say " Location Location Location" the rule of finding that great home. Brad is the " Follow Up-Follow Up-Follow-Up guy in great service for Tile Insurance. He is a One Stop Shop for my needs and pray he will be for you as well.
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Aug 1, 2017
Brad is always available to assist me in anyway that I need. He is efficient and dedicated to make the whole process run as smoothly as possible. Brad is always friendly and professional.

Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Jul 28, 2017
We have worked with Brad over 18 years. He is without a doubt one of the most professional and hard working SALES EXECUTIVE we have worked with.

I, Mary Catherine Bills have sold real estate in three states and have been in the business 39 years. My husband joined our team 7 years ago and will confirm we both know the importance of have a Sales Executive that we can count on.

For me to have Brad @ Chicago Title as part of our team is what helps us with our success.

Any questions please feel free to call us personally @559-270-5598!
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Jun 29, 2017
Brad saves the day...I can't count the times that Brad has come to my office after hours to pick up a file that had to be there the next day. He has chased down doc's for me and my staff and always comes thru for us. Brad along with his team of Professionals makes my job a lot easier and less stressful. Thanks Brad......
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Jun 23, 2017
Brad is extremely responsive and is always keeping me up to date with the newest technology. He is always readily available to provide stellar service to ensure escrow is a pleasurable experience for all parties involved. I would recommend Brad and his customer service to any and all fellow agents!
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Jun 11, 2017
Brad is an amazing person, he is always available at all times. I have found all the app's that he provides for us to be extremely helpful. I genuinely love when he makes his rounds to our office. Thank you Brad!!!!
Recommendation for Brad Fischer
Jun 9, 2017
When I became a Realtor® in 2013, Brad was the first Sales Executive from any Title Company in Fresno to offer to help. The training classes were so helpful. He and his team are always available - even for the unusual requests - like - can you give me 1992 comps for a home? Need a farm? Mailing labels? Same day service! He introduced me to Escrow Officer Lu Galusha, who has always given consistently great service. I recommend Brad and his team to new agents in my office, and to you!