
Denise Wilson

Vice President of Sales, Lawyers Title Lawyers Title Lake Oswego
Denise has an extraordinary passion for serving others. Her intense sincerity and knowledge of the business, has solidified her reputation as the Top Producing AVP, Director of Sales in the Tri-County area. It’s her experience and determination that have presented her with award winning recognition every year since 2006. Denise believes in bringing value to every one of her clients. Using the most innovative technology tools, Denise is able to provide her clients with up to date consumer information. Giving her clients a total peace of mind; allowing them to guide consumers into making the best economic decision for their future investments. Denise’s team and customers are her top priorities in business. Denise leads her business and life with gratitude and her BIG WHY is her Son, Paul!
Jun 17, 2020
Sales Manager | NorCal Region
Denise is a great connector! She is always willing to share and introduce people and programs of value in the FNTG Family. She is sincere and purpose driven for her goals and helping others achieve theirs.
Oct 23, 2018
National Director of Social Sales
Denise is an outstanding example of a true consultative sales professional who is dedicated to personal development that enhances the end value that is felt by our customers. I’ve consistently experienced high quality, high value performance with a “can do” attitude working with her and continue to be inspired by the work that she does.
Jan 1, 2016
Sales Executive
I have had the privilege to know and work with Denise For nearly 15 years. Denise is an incredible person, sales executive, and above average Sales Manager! Her passion for Lawyers Title shows daily in all of her activities. Her leadership skills are strong and admired. I am proud to represent Lawyers Title and with Denise Wilson coaching me I believe we all will grow individually and as a strong company team. My customers are impressed daily by my ability to take my clients to the next level. I can do this because of Denise Wilson and her understanding of the clients wants and needs. She had been in the field. She knows. On behalf of my clients and myself I would definitely recommend that you take a moment and get to know Denise Wilson. Your business plans and goals, and closings will exceed your expectations 71% in 2016. She is amazing and someone you would want on your successful team on a go forward basis! Thank you for all you do Denise! You make the difference! Laura Steinke
Jan 1, 2016
Senior Sales Executive
It has been my pleasure to work with Denise for the almost 10 years. She is an amazing partner to her co-workers and clients. Her dedication to our industry reflects in her success. I am fortunate to call Denise my Sales Manager and I look forward to 2016 as a year of continued success and growth with her leadership.
Dec 24, 2015
AVP/Director of Sales
I have had the privilege of working with Denise for the last 6 years at Lawyers Title. She brings a wealth of knowledge, enthusiasm and has an amazing talent of motivating our sales team. Her high level of energy is so contagious and the level of service she provides to her clients and her sales team is extraordinary. Denise Wilson is a true leader in our industry and I am so very grateful to be able to work with her!
Dec 22, 2015
Sales Executive, Lawyers Title
I am blessed to have the opportunity to write a recommendation about Denise! We have worked together closely for the past year and a half and she brings more inspiration, commitment and purpose than I can even begin to express, not only to her clients (every single one of them) but her co-workers as well. I can attest to her diligence and capability in not only setting goals but achieving those goals!

Denise demonstrates the type of team work and compassion that inspires you to work harder, to strive to make a difference all the while helping others along the way. She continues to prove herself with her strong leadership skills. She demonstrates the ability to do multiple tasks along with her incredible work performance will consistently continue to bring success to all that she does.

It is my honor to work beside Denise on our team! Thank you for all you do for so many, everyday.
Dec 22, 2015
Marketing Director
Aside from having an exuberant energy level found only in the best athletes and leaders alike, Denise is sincere. What you see is what you get. She extends a humble approach in fostering our sales team to a higher level and beyond. If you are looking to advance your career and personal growth...allow me to introduce you to "D." She'll help you soar. I love working with her!
Dec 18, 2015
Denise and her entire team have provided next level service to my entire company. Their unparalleled service brings new meaning to the words customer service. Denise’s positive attitude is infectious and lights up any room. I highly recommend Denise and her entire team; I am honored to be in business with them.
Dec 18, 2015
Buyers Agent
Denise Wilson and the whole team has provided me and my team with an outstanding service way beyond my expectations. When Denise and her team are handling my transactions, I know that my clients could not be in better hands. Thank you Denise Wilson and your phenomenal team!
Apr 20, 2015
Branch Manager - Knight Financial
We have had the privilege of working with Denise for a nearly a decade now, and she has been nothing short of amazing. She continually looks for creative ways to add value to our business, our clients, our delivery. I actually need to be careful to even mention a challenge or issue to Denise as she goes into the mode that we have all grown to love and respect..."Solution Finder". To say that her customer service is excellent would be an understatement. She never complains about being 'too busy', although we all know that she is the busiest person we know. Her positive attitude and energy are contagious, and when she enters an office, her presence is felt, and everyone's day gets a little bit brighter. She is Best-in-Class, and has honed her skills over the years to be the most respected title/business development liaison in the Greater Portland area. Thanks, Denise for all you do for our team.
Mar 25, 2015
Sales Executive
I have had the pleasure of working with Denise Wilson over the past twelve years. She lights up the room with her electric personality and a can do attitude! Her passion and commitment to help grow your business is evident in her positive approach to train, advise and coach.. I am proud to call her a friend and a business partner. I enjoy working with such a dynamic professional that cares enough to help your business grow. I would highly recommend Denise to anyone who is looking improve and grow their business!
Mar 24, 2015
Sales Executive / Lawyers Title NE
Two words immediately come to mind when I think of Denise...genuine and caring! She blends those qualities into an incredible work ethic, and has made it her mission to help others. You can't go wrong by working with Denise. I'm thankful to be part of her Lawyers Title team, and consider her a friend a strong mentor!
Mar 22, 2015
Sales Executive
I have worked with Denise for over 5 years and have had the opportunity to train with her on several occasions. Her insight and knowledge for the best way to help our clients has been extremely valuable. I so appreciate her sharing with all our team some of the tools and methods that work best for her in taking care of her clients. Thank you, Denise!
Mar 20, 2015
Sales Executive, Lawyers Title
Denise is amazing. She makes every client, friend and person that she comes into contact with her that they are the only person in the world at that moment. Her commitment to clients and a job well done is apparent in every single effort. She works hard to ensure that the clients needs are not only met but far exceed the "standard" level of service. I admire her both professionally and personally. Truly it is a blessing to be a part of her team and a part of her life.
Mar 6, 2015
Denise Wilson has changed the way I look at title companies. She and her team have become a trusted resource for ideas, strategies and how to grow my business. She and Michelle have saved us hundreds of dollars by introducing us to new printing and mailing sources. we consider them a valuable member of the For Sale by Forsey team
Feb 27, 2015
Broker, Owner
In 12 years in the industry and literally thousands of transactions over 3 cities, I have never worked with a Title Rep as committed to the success of her agents as Denise. Her customer support rivals any I have ever received across any industry...

I have never been as committed to a title company as I am to Lawyers...Mistakes may happen on the escrow side (as they always will) and I have not once thought of making a change or a switch...based on the fact that Denise is at your company.
Feb 26, 2015
Owner/Principal Broker 24/7 Properties
Denise is fantastic! I have been working with her and her team for the past 6 years and I would not work with anyone else.
Feb 26, 2015
Owner Westone properties
awesome, awesome awesome
Feb 26, 2015
Owner, Change Realty
Denise is great to work with - very responsive and eager to help. She has been instrumental in taking the lead with creative marketing avenues that have helped our business become one of the fastest growing companies in Oregon!

Lawyers Title Lake Oswego - Team Members